Florencetina CHEW
Division Head - Finance
Florencetina is the Division Head of the Finance & Administration Department at DCC Advanz, with a background in accounting, having graduated from University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia with a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting.
Key Skills
As a Division Head of the Finance & Administration team, Florencetina oversees the daily operations of the team and the company, in addition to ensuring that the company's accounts are in order. Financial analysis and reporting are at Florencetina's forefront. She analyses vital company data and identifies areas for improvement. She also contributes advice on accounting and finance related areas, and works together with the team to ensure efficient administration and care of the company’s accounts.
Her curious nature also enables her to develop innovative solutions for the management of the company’s accounts and assets. With close to ten years in the field of intellectual property, Florencetina aspires to learn more about finance and the valuation of intellectual property, and hopes to apply them as part of DCC Advanz’ provision of services to its clients.
B.Com Accounting, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
CPA Australia
Key Areas
Accounting & Finance
General Administration
Bahasa Malaysia
Florencetina has a great love for the outdoors, and enjoys hiking, running, and participating in marathons. She enjoys traveling, and searching for her next hiking conquest.